
Aimee Carruthers

Art director, designer, stylist, creative producer

Originally hailing from New Zealand, I'm a Melbourne-based art director, creative producer and all-round very useful lady. For a living, I specialise in content production, editorial, publishing and identity design for clients ranging from agencies, to small business, the arts and not-for-profits. For my sanity, I apply my creativity and curiosity to ceramics, theatre projects and co-producing Melbourne's least professional feminist water ballet troupe, The Clams.

Why is Locker Room Talk important to you?

Creativity consumes most of my life! It's rewarding and stimulating but there have been times where I think that has come at a cost. The industry can sometimes be put on a pedestal, or its problems and negatives are downplayed. I think it's important to talk openly about it and share experiences that help creatives find a healthy balance.

What does success look like to you?

Success is when your curiosity propels you, when your relationships sustain you and when you have enough perspective to not let the work consume you. It's when the people you do work for treat you like a collaborator and not a servant. It's being able to draw on the generosity of other creatives and give back just as much to them.

What's something you'd like to see in your dream locker room?

Free menstrual products for a start! Also, if it could take it's styling cues from those 70s Californian love motels with heart-shaped spas, that would be amazing.

Can you talk us through one of the challenges you’ve faced during your career?

I've sat with things that made me unhappy for too long. I've been afraid to move on or ask for change because of self-doubt, fear of failure and fear of rejection. I've had to learn to be vulnerable, to be OK with not knowing how things will go and ask for the things I want.

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Creative panel

Wednesday 29 September